What is new?

Congratulations to Xiujiao Pan with published papers on Journal of Hazardous Materials , Synergistic effects of carbon nanoparticle-Cr-Pb in PM2.5. (2021.06.05).


Congratulations to Xiaoxia Zhou with published papers on Environmental Science & Technology , Quantitative Analysis of Nanoplastics in Tissues of Aquatic Animals. (2021.02.18).


Prof. Bing Yan serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief for Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.


Professor Yan gave plenary talk at NANOMXCN meeting at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Yan Lab Info We are interested in systematic investigation of the Environmental toxicology and nanotoxicology.
Newsletter Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of YanLab
Welcome to join us! Prof.Yan would like to enroll post-doctoral fellows with diverse backgrounds.